List of Top Local Databases used for React Native App Development in 2022

HamidReza Alizadeh
2 min readDec 16, 2022
Photo by Jan Antonin Kolar on Unsplash

There are several local databases that can be used for React Native app development in 2022. Some of the top options include:

  1. SQLite: SQLite is a lightweight, self-contained database engine that is widely used in mobile app development. It is easy to use and integrates well with React Native apps.
  2. Realm: Realm is a fast and efficient database engine specifically designed for mobile app development. It has a simple API and is easy to integrate with React Native apps.
  3. AsyncStorage: AsyncStorage is a simple, unencrypted key-value storage system that is built into React Native. It is suitable for storing small amounts of data that need to be persisted between app launches.
  4. Firebase Realtime Database: Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud-based NoSQL database that provides real-time data syncing across all connected devices. It can be used with React Native apps to store and sync data in real-time.
  5. MongoDB Realm: MongoDB Realm is a serverless platform that enables developers to build powerful, scalable, and offline-first applications. It provides a flexible, document-based database that can be used with React Native apps.

6. It’s worth noting that the best local database for your React Native app will depend on your specific needs and requirements. You should consider factors such as the size and complexity of your data, the performance and scalability requirements of your app, and your budget when choosing a local database for your React Native app.

