There are many tools and technologies that can be used with React

HamidReza Alizadeh
2 min readDec 16, 2022

There are many tools and technologies that can be used with React, and the specific tools and technologies that are used will depend on the needs and goals of a particular project. Some additional tools and technologies that are commonly used with React include:

  • Redux Saga: A library that simplifies managing side effects (asynchronous actions) in a Redux application.
  • React Native: A framework for building native mobile applications using React.
  • React Native for Web: A library for building web applications that are designed to look and feel like native mobile apps.
  • React Navigation: A library for managing navigation in a React Native application.
  • React Navigation for Web: A library for managing navigation in a web application that is designed to look and feel like a native mobile app.
  • GraphQL Yoga: A GraphQL server library that simplifies the process of building a GraphQL API.
  • Prisma: A set of tools for building GraphQL servers and APIs.
  • React-intl-tel-input: A library for building customizable, internationalized phone number inputs in React.
  • React-places-autocomplete: A library for building customizable, Google Maps-powered address input fields in React.
  • React-player: A library for embedding audio and video players in React applications.
  • React-ace: A library for embedding code editors in React applications.
  • React-masonry-component: A library for creating masonry-style layouts in React.
  • React-sticky: A library for creating sticky elements in a React application.
  • React-window: A library for efficiently rendering large lists and tables in React applications.
  • React-loadable: A library for creating components that can be dynamically loaded when needed, to improve the performance of a React application.
  • React-lazyload: A library for lazily loading components as they come into view to improve the performance of a React application.
  • React-async: A library for managing asynchronous data in a React application.
  • React-promise-tracker: A library for tracking the status of asynchronous operations in a React application.
  • React-loading: A library for displaying loading indicators in a React application.
  • React-notifications: A library for displaying customizable, dismissible notifications in a React application.
  • React-infinite-scroll-component: A library for creating infinite scroll functionality in a React application.
  • React-draggable: A library for creating draggable elements in a React application.
  • React-resizable: A library for creating resizable elements in a React application.
  • React-grid-layout: A library for creating grid-based layouts in a React application.
  • React-masonry-css: A library for creating masonry-style layouts in a React application using CSS.
  • React-parallax: A library for creating parallax scrolling effects in a React application.
  • React-reveal: A library for creating reveal (scroll-triggered) animations in a React application.

This is just a small sample of the many tools and technologies that are available for use with React. It is important to choose the tools and technologies that are most suitable for your specific project and needs.

